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EXPERT ON overseas calabrian migration HISTORY
The author
Mario Grandinetti (Motta Santa Lucia, Catanzaro, Italy) migrated from Calabria to Turin in 1962. Here, after a Master’s Degree in History, he started his teaching career in History and Italian Literature, while researching on social issues and journalism studies, in collaboration with University Departments and the local Press Council. He has been the director for nearly 30 years of “Centro Studi sul Giornalismo Gino Pestelli”.
Over the last 10 years, Mario Grandinetti’s research field has shifted to explore the trends of Italian immigration overseas (1880-1950). A simple family tree of his relatives who left Motta Santa Lucia to work in the United States, soon turned into a challenging and exciting work, involving the whole community of the descendants of the Mottesi abroad. The outcome of his research is his latest book, printed at the end of 2016.
Mario's next project is to discover the forgotten family stories of Mottesi immigrants to Argentina, Canada and Australia.
If you want to know more about your Mottese heritage and play an active role in this research project, please mail to